Colins – Metopic

colinColin’s doctor mentioned to us that he may have craniosynostosis when he was around 4 weeks old, but that we should just keep an eye on the shape of his head. After waiting a few more weeks his diagnosis was confirmed with x-rays and then a CT scan. He had metopic craniosynostosis. My Husband and I were terrified. I remember just being in disbelief. Hearing the doctor tell us that something was wrong with our baby and that surgery was needed to fix it was not something I ever expected. We met with an amazing pediatric neurosurgeon and he explained to us in a calm and reassuring manner how the surgery would go and most importantly that our sweet baby was going to be okay. He described our options, endoscopic repair or cranio-vault surgery. We ope for the cranial-vault lift surgery. We scheduled the surgery for when Colin would be 4 months old. And then we waited. We received a wonderful care package from Crania Care Bears a few days before his surgery and felt soo much support from people we had never met but understood what we were going through. On December 1st we checked in to the Children’s Hospital of Atlanta. The hardest moment of my life was when the nurses took him out of my hands and walked him back to the O.R., I couldn’t breathe. 5 painful hours later the neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon came out to tell us it was over. We were soo ready to see our baby! We had to wait another hour while he was getting settled-in in the PICU. When we first saw him I was overwhelmed by emotions, soo happy that it was over, but so worried about his recovery. He was a little swollen, but he could still open and close his eyes. He had a little trouble coming off of the anesthesia and keeping his bandage on his head the first night. The next day he was moved to a regular recovery room and that is when the swelling really increased. Both eyes were swollen shut and his forehead was very large. I had done research and seen pictures on the success stories but nothing prepares you for seeing your own baby like that. He was such a trooper though. He of course had moments where he was uncomfortable and he would let us know, but as long as we were right there with him he settled down. After 5 days in the hospital (which seemed like eternity) we got the okay to go home. His eyes were opened a little the day we left, but the swelling decreased dramatically over the next week and Colin was back to himself like nothing ever happened. We are now 2.5 months post-op and Colin is doing amazing! His incision is healing well, and his hair is slowly growing back and covering it up. He is the same happy, inquisitive, perfect little boy from before the surgery but now his head has more of a round shape. We are soo happy that the surgery is over and done with, and feel soo blessed that it went smoothly. The support we received from our family, friends and from Cranio Care Bears was truly incredible. We are so grateful!
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