
My daughter, Sara, was born a healthy and happy baby. She never had been sick with any colds and no sign of any developmental delays. She saw the pediatrician for all of her check-ups. At the 6 month appointment, the pediatrician noticed she had delayed head growth. The circumference of her head was in the 5 percentile.

At the 9 month appointment, he ordered a CT Scan of her head. After about 2 weeks, I got the results which showed she has been diagnosed with Craniosynostosis (metopic). Then, the pediatrician ordered us to see a neurologist to do a karyotype. When I got a call back from the neurologist, the receptionist told me he can’t help my daughter, and to get a neurosurgeon. I made a call to Children’s Memorial of Central DuPage Hospital to make the appointment with the neurosurgeon. My baby girl is scheduled for surgery on October 13th, 2011. I am trying to be strong for my baby because I know she needs me more than she ever has before. The situation is in God’s hands, and there is a reason why my baby is 1 in 2,000 babies that are born with this birth defect. This will make me stronger as a person as long as I trust in God. Somehow, this will make a positive impact in my daughter’s life. I hope my baby’s story is encouraging to whomever is struggling with the same thing.