Koron Omar

Koron Omar Ali Webb was born at 31 weeks gestation on July 31, 2017. At his 12 month checkup his pediatrician noticed his narrow forehead and hoped it wasn’t Craniosynostosis but since he was so premature, she waited until his 15 month checkup to see if it reshaped. Unfortunately at Koron’s 15 month checkup his forehead narrowed in the front even more. After running test with a neurologist Koron was diagnosed with Metopic Synostosis. Koron had his surgery to correct his skull on May 28, 2019 shy of his 2nd birthday. Koron is now 2 1/2 years old and thriving. Although he may have to have surgery in the future, he is doing amazingly well. He’s growing remarkably well and love going to school everyday as well as watching Kidz YouTube